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Haynes188/UNS R30188

Haynes188/UNS R30188
% Co Ni Cr W Fe C Mn Si P S La B
min balance 20.0 20.0 13.0   0.05   0.20     0.02  
max 24.0 24.0 16.0 3.0 0.15 1.25 0.50 0.020 0.015 0.12 0.015

Physical properties
Density 8.98 g/cm3
Melting range 1315-1410℃

Features: Haynes 188 combines excellent high temperature strength with very good resistance to oxidizing environments up to 1095℃ for prolonged exposure, and excellent resistance to sulfate deposit hot corrosion. It also has excellent resistance to molten chloride salts, and good resistance to gaseous sulfidation.
Applications: Military and commercial gas turbine engine combustion cans, transition ducts and after-burner components.
Note: Haynes is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc.
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