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17-7PH/UNS S17700/DIN W. Nr. 1.4568

17-7PH/UNS S17700/DIN W. Nr. 1.4568
Rod, bar and shape A 564, A 484
Plate, sheet and strip A 693, A 480
Forging A 705, A 484

Chemical composition
% Ni Cr Mo Fe Co W C Mn Si P S Al Cu La B
min balance 14.5 14.0         0.30 0.20     0.10   0.01  
max 17.0 16.5 3.0 2.0 1.00 0.020 1.00 0.75 0.020 0.015 0.50 0.35 0.10 0.015

Physical properties
Density 7.75 g/cm3
Melting range 1404-1440℃

Features: 17-4PH is a chromium-nickel-copper precipitation hardening martensitic stainless steel that combines oxidation and corrosion resistance comparable to 304 in most environments with high strength and hardness. It is the most widely used of all the precipitation hardening stainless steels, and is more cost effective than many high nickel non-ferrous alloys in some Applications. 17-4PH cannot be used at temperatures above 300℃ and at cryogenic temperatures. It is magnetic.
Applications: Aerospace industry, biomedical hand tools, chemical and food processing equipment, nuclear waste processing and storage, general metalworking, and paper mill equipment.
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