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PIPE 15-7PH/UNS S15700/DIN W. Nr. 1.4532

15-7PH/UNS S15700/DIN W. Nr. 1.4532
Rod, bar and shape A 564, A 484
Plate, sheet and strip A 693, A 480
Forging A 705, A 484

Chemical composition 
% Fe Cr Ni Mo C Mn Si P S Al
min balance 14.0 6.50 2.00           0.75
max 16.0 7.75 3.00 0.09 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.50
Physical properties
Density 7.81 g/cm3
Melting range 1415-1450℃

Features: 15-7PH is a semi-austenitic precipitation hardening stainless steel that provides high strength and hardness and good corrosion resistance. Its general corrosion resistance level in conditions TH 1050 and RH 950 is superior to standard hardenable chromium types 400 series stainless steels, but is not as good as chromium-nickel type 304.
Applications: Diaphragms, welded and brazed honeycomb panels, aircraft bulkheads, springs, and retaining rings.
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