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Monel 400/UNS N04400/DIN W. Nr. 2.4360/ W. Nr. 2.4361

Monel 400/UNS N04400/DIN W. Nr. 2.4360/ W. Nr. 2.4361
Rod, bar and wire B 164
Plate, sheet and strip B 127, B 906
Seamless pipe and tube B 165, B 829
Welded pipe B 725, B 775
Welded tube B 730, B 751
Welding fitting B 366
Forging B 564

Chemical composition
% Ni Cu Fe C Mn Si S
min 63.0 28.0          
max   34.0 2.5 0.30 2.00 0.50 0.024

Physical properties
Density 8.80 g/cm3
Melting range 1300-1350℃

Features: Monel 400 has excellent resistance to corrosion by many reducing media such as sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. It is generally more resistant to corrosion by oxidizing media than higher copper alloys. Monel 400 resists pitting and stress corrosion cracking in most fresh and industrial waters. It has good resistance in flowing seawater, but under stagnant conditions, pitting and crevice corrosion is induced. Monel 400 is probably the most resistant to hydrofluoric acid in all concentrations up to the boiling point, of all engineering alloys. Monel 400 is notable for its toughness, it does not show embrittlement tendency at cryogenic temperatures. It is work hardenable.
Applications: Chemical process equipment, crude oil stills, gasoline and fresh water tanks, marine engineering equipment, valves, pumps and fasteners.
Note: Monel is a registered trademark of the Special Metals Corporation group of companies
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