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Monel K-500/UNS N05500/DIN W. Nr. 2.4375

Monel K-500/UNS N05500/DIN W. Nr. 2.4375
Rod, bar, wire and forging B 865

Chemical composition
% Ni Cu Fe C Mn Si S Al Ti
min 63.0 27.0           2.30 0.35
max   33.0 2.0 0.18 1.5 0.50 0.010 3.15 0.85

Physical properties
Density 8.44 g/cm3
Melting range 1315-1350℃

Features: Monel K-500 combines Monel 400’s excellent corrosion resistance with greater strength and hardness as a result of adding aluminum and titanium and proper heat treatment to cause precipitation hardening. It is nonmagnetic at temperatures as low as -101℃. Monel K-500 has excellent dimensional stability which is very useful in high precision devices. Like Monel 400, it does not undergo ductile-to-brittle transition at cryogenic temperatures as low as that of liquid hydrogen. Its tensile and yield strengths increase while ductility and toughness are only slightly impaired.
Applications: Chemical process pump and valve components; paper production pulp processing doctor blades and scrapers; marine engineering chains, cables, fasteners and springs; electronic components; and oil and gas production non-magnetic housings, pump shafts and impellers.
Note: Monel is a registered trademark of the Special Metals Corporation group of companies.
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