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Incoloy 020/UNS N08020

Incoloy 020/UNS N08020
Rod, bar and wire B 473
Plate, sheet and strip A 240, A 480, B 463, B 906
Seamless pipe and tube B 729, B 829
Welded pipe B 464, B 775
Welded tube B 468, B 751
Welding fitting B 366
Forged or rolled pipe flange and forged fitting B 462
Billet and bar for reforging B 472

Chemical composition
% Fe Ni Cr Cu Mo C Mn Si P S Nb+Ta
min balance 32.0 19.0 3.0 2.0           8*C
max 38.0 21.0 4.0 3.0 0.07 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.035 1.00

Physical properties
Density 8.08 g/cm3
Melting range 1357-1430℃

Features: Incoloy 020 has excellent resistance in chemicals containing sulfuric acid, and has good resistance to environments containing chlorides, phosphoric acid and nitric acid. It contains niobium for stabilization against sensitization and resultant intergranular corrosion. It also has good mechanical properties and fabricability.
Applications: Chemical, food, pharmaceutical and plastics industries, heat exchangers, mixing tanks, pickling equipment, synthetic rubber manufacturing equipment, pumps, valves and piping.
Note: Incoloy is a registered trademark of the Special Metals Corporation group of companies
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