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Inconel 625/ UNS N06625/DIN W. Nr. 2.4856

Inconel 625/ UNS N06625/DIN W. Nr. 2.4856
Rod and bar B 446
Plate, sheet and strip B 443, B 906
Seamless pipe and tube B 444, B 829
Welded pipe B 705, B 775
Welded tube B 704, B 751
Welding fitting B 366
Billet and bar for reforging B 472
Forging B 564

Chemical composition
% Ni Cr Mo Fe C Mn Si P S Co Nb+Ta Al Ti
min 58.0 20.0 8.0               3.15    
max   23.0 10.0 5.0 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.015 0.015 1.00 4.15 0.40 0.40

Physical properties
Density 8.44 g/cm3
Melting range 1290-1350℃

Features: Inconel 625 has excellent strength at temperatures up to 816℃. At higher temperatures, its strength is generally lower than that of other solid solution strengthened alloys. Inconel 625 has good oxidation resistance at temperatures up to 980℃ and shows good resistance to aqueous corrosion, but is relatively moderate compared to other more capable corrosion resistant alloys.
Applications: Chemical process industry and sea water application. Inconel 625 is used in short term applications at temperatures up to 816℃. For long term service, it is best restricted to a maximum of 593℃, because long term exposure above 593℃ will result in significant embrittlement.
Note: Inconel is a registered trademark of the Special Metals Corporation group of companies.
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